Friday, July 31, 2009


Windows are very useful. They are good for standing in front of when you want to have a serious chat with someone while both parties are wearing very nice business suits.
They are also useful for establishing a connection to the outside world, while in a depressing hospital or when you're stuck inside playing with your thirty cats at the age of 45 because you love/sex life has gone down the tubes.
Today, our windows were replaced by a man named Matthew. He's a nice fellow, and he did his job well. My mom's room's window looks FANTASTIC.
The problem that seems to occur every time people come into our house to fix things is that all of a sudden all the nice things go to them. For example, today I gave Matthew some water and thought he'd be happy, and he was---BUT NOOOOOOO. HE ALSO HAS TO HAVE THE LAST BOTTLE OF SUNNY D, TOO. Even though I was going to be motivated and make myself a popsicle without having to go to the store and buy a slushie! So here I am, being aware of the value of a dollar, here's another guy who we're ALREADY PAYING TO FIX THINGS, meaning that he's TAKING our money, and HE gets the last bottle of Sunny D.

I really should be working on my friend's Arthas Helmet replica, but I'll do it tomorrow. Procrastination is key, my dorky friend who wants the helmet taught me so.

I'm continuing my work on a wooden Nodachi(two-handed field sword) that i'm making out of a broken hockey stick I found. Tres win.

That's about it. See you soon.

Loyally yours til our shadows stretch taller than our souls,

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Famous Quotes and Funny Jokes

"A teddybear's birthday is when you tie a ribbon around it and give it a name. If you give one to someone you love, and they name the bear after you, they will always return your love."
-Tomoyo, CCS:Master Of The Clow